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Roy Ga Leads Unity Walk to Strengthen Support for a Brighter Future in Iligan

Aspirant Mayor Roy Ga, along with the candidates from the United Iligan Party, would like to express their deepest gratitude to the Iliganons for their unwavering support
during the Unity Walk. The event was not only an opportunity to connect with the community but also to emphasize the importance of unity and collaboration as the city moves
forward into a new era of progress.
The energy and excitement were palpable as thousands of Iliganons gathered together, walking side by side in a show of solidarity. As the sun shone brightly,
the streets were filled with hope and anticipation, reflecting the collective desire for a better and more prosperous Iligan. Roy Ga acknowledged the significance of
this event, knowing that it was more than just a walk—it was a statement that the people of Iligan are ready to embrace change, to work together, and to make their city a
better place for everyone.

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Target City : All Cities
Last Update : Mar 07, 2025 8:34 PM
Number of Views: 19
Item  Owner  : Celso Regencia
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